Monday 9 June 2014

The Summon - Joshua Xie

The last song that we sang, The Summons, was a really beautiful song:

Lord your summons echoes true when you but call my name.
Let me turn and follow you and never be the same.
In Your company I'll go where Your love and footsteps show.
Thus I'll move and live and grow in you and you in me.

As I sang the song, I started to see these past three weeks flash before my eyes, once again. (On a side note, this song is really great for video montages heheh…). From bola bola day 1, lessons at TTC and SBC, Frisbee and dinner at botanical gardens, more lessons at Bethel Presbyterian, cycling at ECP and the last week at the farm, HealthServe and Jubilee Presbyterian Church. All these are precious memories I will cherish forever. These past three weeks been amazing with so many wonderful people coming into my life. Everyday I thank God for this great opportunity, learning and growing together. The joy found here truly cannot be found anywhere else outside the body of Christ. 

Every time I think about how I entered this program, I am convinced that it is not be coincidence that we were gathered here. I was totally unaware of the program until one fine day when Jonathan sent me an email asking me if I was interested. It was (by the way) one whole month past the application deadline. When I looked through the program, I was totally excited! It was like the perfect opportunity for me before I went for CWM EAR (which honestly, I really have no idea what I signed up for but shhh… that's another story). The prospect of meeting other youth leaders from other churches, getting really solid theology classes, experiencing community ministries was really an opportunity hard to give up. And I really thank God for giving me a chance to be here to learn. 

Going through the three weeks, I learnt that our history as Presbyterians and church histories were really necessary in helping me appreciate our heritage. It puts many things into perspective, why and where we are here today has its reason. And as we decide where to go in the future, it is important that we return to the Word, make sure we are rooted in His will, that we are going and growing in His path. If not we would, as Rev. Tan Tiong Ann put it, 失之毫厘 差之千里. Deviate slightly at the beginning and eventually it would be huge.  (I’m not even if that is grammatically sound but you get the point) Lastly, what would it mean to be children of God if we do not be the salt and light of this world (Mat 5:13-16)? What does it mean to be the salt and light of this world? What should we be doing? Honestly, I don't think that there are specific or definite answers that apply to everyone. God has His plan for different people, but are we willing to listen? What would our responses be? Would I be able to step out of the boat, onto the water (Mat 14:29)? I wish I could but have serious doubts whether I would. So how? I really do not know. What I do know is that if the Lord has called me to do something, He would be with me. And if that is not enough to assure me, I really don't know what else would. It would be a shame for any of us who love God, to miss His call, or even worse, turn away from it. Let us turn and follow Him and never be the same.

But I am encouraged to see so many brothers and sisters who are so fervent in their search for the Lord. I am sure that the Lord looks into the deepest corners of our hearts and would never forsake our ever-seeking hearts.  These three weeks were just a start to an even longer journey ahead but I know that our paths would definitely cross again (just look at Grace and Peter, just one day only and they run into each other haha…). It’s just a beginning to lasting friendships. And trust me, the “magic” has taken place. Hehehe…

Joshua Xie

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