Wednesday 31 May 2017

Issues that the Church would face in the next decade - Nicole Pang

Learning the history of Presbyterianism and purpose behind our practices in depth has opened my eyes to see the importance of every detail in the Christian Doctrine that we preach. Focusing on the greatest and most precious gift that God has given us, The Word, is an essential step to understanding God’s heart, upon the Holy Spirit’s guidance. As the Presbyterian doctrine is truly centred on God and driven by the Word, our practices and the way we conduct our bible study sessions to Sunday services, it is all supported by Scripture. With that, I believe that the reformation of the church has helped us to focus on our personal relationship with God and to worship him together as one church (be it self or as a kingdom). However, there is an alarming danger that the universal church would face, in time to come.

Taking the Bible out of context
Upon reflecting over the lessons on theology and the church visits, I feel that the clarity of the Christian doctrine is crucial. When there is misunderstanding of The Word, it would lead to much conflict and even, incur doubt in our faith. Take For example, The Lord’s prayer, Matthew 6:10 says ‘ And lead us not into temptation.’ If the word temptation is misinterpreted as difficulties and challenges, there would be the misperception that Christians would not undergo testing which means we are free from challenges and difficult lives.

However, this is false as Hebrews 12: 7 -11 justifies
  Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as his children. For what children are not disciplined by their father? If you are not disciplined—and everyone undergoes discipline—then you are not legitimate, not true sons and daughters at all. Moreover, we have all had human fathers who disciplined us and we respected them for it. How much more should we submit to the Father of spirits and live! 10 They disciplined us for a little while as they thought best; but God disciplines us for our good, in order that we may share in his holiness. 11 No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. 

God teaches us through suffering. During trials and tribulations in life, he disciplines us so that we can share in his holiness and thereafter, reap a harvest of righteous and peace. He builds our level of tenacity and perseverance. In addition, ‘lead us not into temptation’ is only the first half of the verse. What about the second half? The second half says ‘but deliver us from evil.’ This further enhances the concept that as believers of Christ, we do not escape challenges in life but God is there to guide and bring us through it. If it is not learnt in accordance to the context, this misunderstanding of the Word might be so deeply seated in the heart. Upon realisation, it would stir much distraught and confusion internally. Some might not be able to accept this realisation and stray away from God. They could feel cheated and betrayed by God due to learning it wrongly. Externally, there would be much debates and potential unhappiness, even damage the unity of the church. Also, if the Word is taken out of context, the Prosperity Gospel which exists would continue to flourish leading to corruption and chaos. The church would not be a community but a corporation. A frightening thought would be how the Prosperity Gospel could create the church to be a profit driven organisation which is led by misguided shepherds and lost sheep. I personally feel that preaching the gospel and evangelising occurs concurrently to understanding and continuously striving for a deeper relationship with God daily.

Consequently, if the Word is not understood the way God intends it to be and none has the desire to understand God’s heart, many of our practices and methods would be fuelled from the wrong understanding. I confess that I have little or close to no knowledge on the roots of the history of the church and understanding of the Word. Coming to church on Sunday nearly became habitual and just a reminder for me that I have a God to look to for help and guidance. I could not feel the true depth of God’s love through the sacrifice on the cross. Being in the congregation during the Holy Communion felt like an ordinary worship service. Only after learning the reformation of the church, Sacramental Theology and the theology of worship, I was then touched by God’s love for me. The sacrifice became personal to me. If the generations to come do not understand that as the core of Christianity, their commitment would lie in the practice(such as opening the bible to ‘drive’ demons away or partaking the wine and bread to be healed and gain immunity)but not in the teaching. They would only to receiving grace and treat God like a deity. How different would Christianity be different from idolatry? Victor J Zammit’s lists of superstitions by the traditional Christians are still applicable to the Christian practices today. Superstitions such as pouring water over your head in Baptism removes ‘original sin’ might sound absurd but if we think it through why would Christians today place their belief in this practice? This lies in their lack of understanding of the gospel and the meaning of Jesus’s death on the cross was to save us from sin. There is no logic in naming original and consequent sin. Men are born sinful and it is only in Christ, we are saved and can repent from our sins.  Another superstition for discussion would be the confession of one’s ‘sins’ (taken from a Roman pre-Christian era ritual) to a priest and ALL your ‘sins are forever forgiven’. If the church truly believes that God is the only way to receive redemption of sins, proclaiming that Christ is our saviour, why are Christians still looking to church leaders for redemption of sins. This superstitious act contradicts their form of worship and proclamation to God. The lack of true understanding of the Word leads to acts fuelled from insecurity and doubt. The message on Superstition from Life B-P church with regard to Infant baptism argues the reasons behind parents bringing their children for baptism which is to ensure their child is blessed and protected from God. The purpose of Infant Baptism is the commitment that the parent takes on bringing their child to walk this path of faith. With all this misconceptions, it brings disbelief to both current and non-believers towards God’s unconditional love for us which is an issue that would break God’s heart.

Is the primary goal to expand the kingdom of God?
 Both Matthew 28:19 and Mark 16:15 states
 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
15 He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.
These verses signify a direct call from God to go out and share the good news about Christ to the world. This command isn’t subtle or vague, but rather Jesus explicitly tells his disciples, and all of us that follow him, to go and tell others that God loves them. Therefore, we are called to evangelize individuals as well as nations for the Kingdom of God. However, do we place all importance on increasing the size of congregation (quantity) or on developing and walking closely with the pre and new believers, ensuring that they truly understand the love of God first? The term Jovial Calvinism has brought much controversy. John Piper states ‘This service is for secure believers to have fun and for unbelievers to see them have fun; so they will know Christianity is fun. And “fun” has become the most common word among pastors to describe their happiness in ministry. ‘. This statement has brought me much discomfort. I strongly believe that our beloved God welcomes all forms of worship – be it singing, praying – as long as it comes from the heart. Why is there a need to construct our service and worship to be appealing and ‘fun’ to men when worship is for God? Quoting John Piper, ‘our main work is, by the Spirit of God, with the word of God, to portray the glories of God as more beautiful and more satisfying than anything in the world’. Why do we focus on the portrayal and image we create in our worship? God has created all forms of music; HE created hip hop, rapping and classical music and all music can bring glory to his name. However, the worry lies in the indulgence in music and the need for the ambience to be set in order to bring praise and glory to God. Should we create the image of the church service to be a concert in order to attract people to come to church? If we were really to focus on that, the purpose of worship to each individual would vary and it could also bring much distraction to the congregation’s worship to God. Amidst all these distractions in worship, it would then lead to the issues of understanding God’s heart and those mentioned above. Also, after an attractive praise session and a fiery sermon preached, newcomers and pre-believers might come to accept Christ as the saviour which is good news. However, will there be any follow up sessions for them, a community where they can learn and verify their understanding of the Word together. In several churches today, there are only services conducted with no sessions to learn and understand the Word in detail. The only platform to ask questions about the Word that New and pre-believers know of would be through service. They will not be able to clarify their doubts and seek answers for their questions. In the long run, they would either relent and accept the existence of God but not deepen the relationship with God or stray away from God. Hence, we have to be very cautious and precise in the way that we evangelise.  As much as we provide a platform for existing and new followers of Christ to feel the intimacy between them and God, without time taken to help them nurture their relationship with God, all would be superficial. We would not have the relationship that God desires to have with us.

All in all, after discussing the possible dangers that the Church would face, the biggest question that I have for both myself and my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ: Is Christianity the way of life or life itself? Being aware of the dangers is good but we have to take action.  In doing so, we have to first learn and understand the Word deeply then take action accordance to God’s will. This would take much time, dedication, love and sincerity. It is a lifetime commitment. Do we place our earthly responsibilities over our duties to Christ? The answer is clear but taking action upon it is tough. Posing this question to any Christian would be a risk but is essential. They would flee at the thought of the dedication or to really reflect on their relationship with God. His love for us is unconditional, loving us even with all our flaws. If the future generations have yet to reflect and ask themselves this questions, the church would be in danger of separation. Not understanding the purpose behind our practices (such as keeping the Holy Sacrament as something very precious and sacred, how can our worship truly glorify God) would be part of a routine. It could become acts and practices that was passed down from the previous generations.  Believers of Christ would be Sunday Christians – not aspiring to live like Christ daily. Christians would have the mindset of service in church in exchange for salvation. The misconception of doing good deeds equating to salvation would rise. As God’s beloved people, we have to continue to commit, rededicate and renew our lives to him. The Word proclaims that God wants to have a relationship with us where there is mutual love and desire. He wants us to always seek and yearn for him with different methods, but in all matters, it must come from the heart.

Amidst the various forms of danger that the church faces, there might be much fear and worry for the future but I cling on to the fact that God’s sovereignty reigns. Though there might be a lot of tensions in our faith, we still have the amazing grace of God. Looking back at the old and new testament, there was so much sin and taint in the world but with God’s love poured out as he sent his one and only Son to save us, we are assured that HE is here with us to the end. Ultimately, HE is our creator and we are his creation. When God sets out his purpose and will for this Earth, it will be done. Through the process of it might be unclear to us, but I am affirmed and assured that God’s purpose will truly be fulfilled. We, as his beloved, have to do our best for him: really learn and understand his heart, preach and make known the precious gift of God that he has given to all of us which is HIS LOVE AND WORD. Though one’s effort might be small and seemingly insignificant, I take heart in

 1 Corinthians 12:12-14
 12 Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ. 13 For we were all baptized by[c] one Spirit so as to form one body—whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free—and we were all given the one Spirit to drink. 14 Even so the body is not made up of one part but of many.
As a body of Christ and the love for God, I will strive to learn the Word deeply, challenge myself with unconventional questions so as to seek and truly understand his heart.
Quote: When life is tough, have a heart of thanksgiving

Dangers of a consumer church:
Superstitious Christians :
Selling that the church is ‘fun’ :

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