Wednesday 29 May 2019

STEP Final Assignment 2019 - Joella Seah Ming Hui

If there is one main takeaway I have gained from the entire STEP journey these past 3 weeks, it would be this: Love. As cliche as it sounds, Love particularly resonated with me during the various sharings, church visits and even the other assignments that we had to complete which included the Bible reading of the New Testament (which I might or might not have finished...) Although this word is repeated many times in the Bible, even being described in detail in 1 Corinthians 13, it never fully struck me that Love is indeed universal yet at the same time, simple. The universality of Love is embodied in the very mission of God in the Bible - to save His chosen people by sending His son once for all, reconciling them back to Him.

Love for God

At the forefront of our Christian faith, Love for God should come naturally and unconditionally. With a Love for God, many other wonderful qualities and aspects of Christ-like living can be put to practice. Respect is a form of Love, and respecting God would mean that we seek His words of advice for us and obey His commands as we look to Him as a role model in all that we do. We might not be able to meet God’s expectations of holiness and righteousness, but all He desires is a Love for Him which leads to repentance and faith.

Love for Others

As we Love god, we also Love those around us. Love is selfless and therefore should be spread like a wildfire amongst our circle of friends and family and more importantly, to those beyond this familiar circle. This is where the simplicity of Love comes in. Many would think that loving others would involve a favour of some sort. Yet, a Love for others can actually be as simple as displaying kindness in speech when speaking with another person. With God’s calling for us to be a part of His mission of salvation, Love can also be shown in evangelism manifested as both word and deed. When we Love others, we bring them one step closer to Christ.

Love for Self

We often hear about Love for God and those in our presence, but what about loving ourselves? As much as we are eager to go forth and rain Love on all our fellow neighbours, it is crucial to first remember our identity and take care of our wellbeing. It is easy to forget who we are in this world; we do not belong here in the first place. However, we must never forget that despite the trials and tribulations we go through, despite our sinful nature, despite our flaws, God still loves us no matter what. If a big and sovereign God can Love us - tiny specks in His universe and timeline, what excuse and reason do we have to not Love ourselves too? So while we pick at our every flaw and blemish, let us not forget that we are already made perfect in God who created us in His own image.

After all this time, it might seem strange that I have capitalised the first letter ‘L’ of Love throughout this reflection essay. The reason why: Because God is Love. Love being seen as a person and a pronoun is made possible because God is the essence and perfect example of Love. He shows His love in the greatest way possible - by sending His one and only Son to die on the cross for our sins that we may believe and have eternal life (John 3:16).

We love because He first loved us while we were sinners. Without God’s love for us, we would not have known Him personally and without knowing God, we are then unable to please and glorify Him.   

As an apt summary to end this reflection, there is one basic command Jesus has given us to follow and apply as we go about our daily lives. “My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.” John 15:12 (NIV)  

Seah Ming Hui, Joella
Living Praise Presbyterian Church
STEP 2019

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