Tuesday 29 May 2018

Acquiring Bible Knowledge and Deepening Our Christian Faith - Yeo Hui Ting

A lot of times I will question myself, why am I doing bible studies after bible studies, why was I sitting in the classrooms through this STEP programme to hear about Christian theology? What good will these lessons do to me and the relationship between God and me?

As I grew in church and even in my Christian community on campus, I hear so often people saying, “as we study God’s word more, may we get to know God better”. I took this understanding of why we study the Bible as it is and never gave much thought about it. Maybe I too, believe that if I studied the Bible, over time I will get closer to God.

Going through this STEP programme gave me a new perspective as to how Bible knowledge intertwines perfectly with our Christian faith. Yes, surely, we do not need in-depth theological understanding to be saved, because it is by grace alone we are saved (Ephesians 2:8-9). However, we must recognise that our generation is receiving higher education than before, and we must not segregate our minds from our belief, because we are called to "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind” (Luke 10:27).

Even though there were many lessons, learning about Christian theology and Presbyterianism is not what the whole programme is about! We were exposed to Presbyterian Community Services (PCS) and HealthServe too, where we see how our faith allows us to become a blessing to the community.

A Visit to Presbyterian Community Services - Seniors Activities Centres (SACs)

For the most part of the three-day camp, which the programme started off with, we were given the opportunity to spend time together with the elderly at Hannah and Sarah SACs. As I interact with the elderly, staffs and volunteers, I realized that it is through stepping out and into the communities that my faith is actualized. When I stay in my comfortable circle of people, gradually my heart grew numb to the word “love”. My impression of loving people became, unknowingly, narrow over time.

Previously, I visited this old man and his family during Chinese New Year with some of my church mates, he told us that he did not understand why God will not let him die yet. To the old man, he feels that he has completed his life duties, raised up children and even grandchildren, and now he is physically weak with illnesses. He just wanted God to call him home and end his painful days on earth. I was taken aback by this incident, I could understand why we emphasize hope when speaking to a young adult but to this old man, I struggled to see the hope that I wished for him to have.

Concluding our visit to Sarah SAC, Rev. David Lim spoke to us about what PCS is doing in the community through providing meals, doing regular house visits etc. It did help me broaden my view on community works. One-time-visits are rarely helpful to convince one of a life that is hopeful, but regular visits, on the other hand, are a platform to involve the elderly in the community. Hopefully, allowing them to find their unfinished purpose on this earth in one way or another.

Predestination – How it is a blessed assurance for our way forward

Before coming to STEP, I have heard about how different denomination view predestination. As for me, I stood on the fence for most of it, for I have no idea what implications it can have on one’s faith.

The first class the programme had in store for us was Presbyterianism, which was mostly on John Calvin and what he did in the years of his service. What Calvin thought of predestination might be one of the most controversial. However, predestination was not an idea put in place to condemn although in our human understanding it may seem that way. As we understand that all men are totally depraved, being elected by God is wholly based on His mercy and not an issue of whether we see justice in it.

The knowledge of God unconditionally electing us, so that as a result we can have faith in Him should on the contrary be reassuring and comforting. Reassuring, for it affirms that our salvation is based on what Jesus Christ did and not our works, knowing we are not to work anything more to save ourselves. Comforting because realizing that our salvation is a gift, it is not dependent on our human frailties. (1)

Having been assured of our salvation, how then does it implicate the way we live as witnesses of Christ? Do we rest in the assurance that, well, since the elect will be saved, can we just wait and see? Predestination is not an excuse for us not to spread the gospel! It should even more urge us to spread the gospel. Since God may use us for others to come to faith in Jesus Christ, and thus realizing their election. (1)

Understanding why we engage our minds @ Trinity Theological College (TTC)

Being part of Christian fellowship in University placed me in an environment where I had to engage my mind in matters regarding what I believe. I was encouraged to think deeply into scriptures. At a certain point in time, I started thinking to myself what am I going to get out of these questions? And I thought I will just live with that silent question inside me.

Through the sharing from the lecturers, touching on the four contexts we can read scriptural text and even concluding on how it is relevant to us today. The four contexts are namely, linguistic, historical, literary and theological. (2)

An example given by the lecturer on the old testament is the verse commonly used in churches today during Christmas.

Isaiah 7:14
Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign:

The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.

Some words for example, virgin in the original language translate to a closer meaning of a young woman

The nation was in a time of war, so king Ahaz joined alliance with Assyria. Point to note is that in ancient times joining alliance involves not just the political but also the religious issues, because they are to swear loyalty to the gods of the other country

God is seemingly blessing the nation (v10-15), but he will bring about punishment on them, by the country they put their trust in (v16-17)

Types of fulfilment:
1)     Historical
King Ahaz’s son, King Hezekiah

2)     Messianic/Christological
Matthew 1:23 Jesus being born to fulfil this prophecy to the fullest

3)     Ecclesiological (study of the church)
Ephesians 2:6 And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus

4)     Eschatological (study of the end time)
Philippians 1:23 I am torn between the two: I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far; 

Summing up the analysis of different context, the lecturer brings us back to the point that Jesus came to save spiritually and holistically, just like how God did provide him a son as the next king. However, just as in the historical context, king Hezekiah was not the solutions to all the nation’s problems, the holistic salvation has a sense of “now” and “not yet”. On the part about Jesus being Immanuel – God with us, He is with us to save and to judge. Today will you and I choose to trust in God or in ourselves? (2)


Through this three weeks programme, there were a lot of lessons for us to learn Presbyterian doctrines and Christian theology. I am thankful that in between days of theoretical lessons we could step out into the elderly communities and the hidden communities of migrant workers in Singapore. Biblical studies do play an important part in our faith, helping us to not treat our faith in Christ as a blind faith. However, may it be our prayer that we will seek the God who revealed Himself through the Bible, and live a life that glorifies (1 Corinthians 10:31, Romans 11:36) and enjoys Him forever (Psalms 73:25-28). May we seek to glorify God through being a blessing to the people we come in touch with!

Works Cited

1. Chan, Rev. Peter. Presbyterianism. STEP: Synod Training & Exposure Programme. Singapore : s.n., 2018.
2. Low, Rev. Dr. Maggie. Old Testament Studies. The Importance of Theological Education for Church Ministry and Social Engagement. Singapore, May 23, 2018.

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