Saturday 24 May 2014

Theological Education as Holistic Pursuit - Joshua Lee

The third and fourth day of the programme was dedicated to exposing us, the participants to the two major theological colleges in Singapore, Trinity Theological College (TTC) and Singapore Bible College (SBC). The objective of these two days was pretty clear with two talks explaining the importance of theological education and just what exactly it is about. I must say that these two days has been pretty effective in instilling a better sense of appreciation and understanding of what a formal theological education provides.  

In the same way when one goes to a secular school to learn, education not only comes from within the classroom setting but also from other sources such as the interactions one has with classmates. Studying in a theological college not only equips one with knowledge, skills and tool-sets but also provides a conducive environment for the progression of one's spiritual well-being. 

One goal of theological education which struck out to me was the holistic pursuit of education, in the sense that one should not specialise solely on one aspect. This got me thinking that the work that God calls us to do is often not exclusively in one area, especially when dealing with people.  One would of course need proper knowledge of the Bible, but in addition to that, additional skills such as how to properly counsel someone in a biblical way, and so on would be extremely helpful. Just as being a Christian does not mean merely subscribing to a certain religion, having a theological education should not just be additional knowledge or skills that one can use but rather the things that one has learnt should be integrated appropriately into one's life and eventually into the lives of others.

I will end off by observing that I am actually quite surprised that I could stay awake through the various lectures in the same day, which is definitely not the usual case for me in a school setting. I hope that this is not due to the novelty of having a few theological lectures but because of a genuine interest and desire to know more about God.

Joshua Lee

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