Saturday 7 June 2014

A Community In Need - Grace Yong

It’s quite amazing and funny because while I was writing this at the hawker centre, some people came up to ask me for donations to build up a community hospital. It goes to show how real this situation is, and how our community is truly in need of our service and contributions.

This week of visiting Onesimus farm and healthserve has been very eye opening for me. It has shown me how there are people in our society who are helpless, discriminated against, neglected and exploited. Many of us, myself included, may have heard about it or seen before, but decided to turn a blind eye on it, or leave it at the back of our minds. This week, I have been reminded that in this broken and desolate world, change may not be effected so easily, and situations are multilayered and complicated, with no quick and fast solution. However, that does not mean we should ignore the situation and not do anything.

After listening to Pastor Andrew’s sharing, I feel even more convicted. It is so true that often we are all talking about big things but not acting at all. Words can be inspiring and ambitious, but after hearing and seeing the reality of the situation, we need to do something. What is the bible speaking to me about? What is God calling me to do? I pray that on this journey of becoming a social worker, God will use my life to serve the community and His people. 

Recently, I have been asking myself and others, what can the gospel do to help them? And after much searching, I have realized that in asking this question I have underestimated and undermined the gospel. It is not just random words or a story thought up by man. It is so powerful and beautiful that it in itself is enough to give us hope, even in the most desolate of times. It is powerful not through us who share the gospel by words, but because of who the gospel points to!

Pastor Andrew and his wife Grace have been very inspiring to me because when we met them they looked sunburnt and sweaty, but still I could see so much passion and conviction in them. Their humility touched me. It is truly God’s grace and love moving in them that makes them willing to sacrifice comfort to work in such tough conditions.

Grace Yong

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