Saturday 7 June 2014

What's Next? - Joshua Lee

After writing mostly on what I have learnt from the various lectures, I thought it would be a good change to write about the people who have accompanying me through the same programme for the past three or so weeks. 

I am very thankful for the company of like-minded God-fearing young adults. It is always a very nice change from the usual secular gatherings to a safe and warm environment where one can freely talk about the most important thing in life, God.

I must admit that I am hardly the most outgoing person and making new friends is usually a very slow process for me. However the genuinely friendly atmosphere which is characteristic of the assembly of God's people made it much easier for me to get to know new people. I do hope that my interactions with my new friends do not end with the programme. At least I'll have the chance to see a few new faces in school next semester. 

Looking forward, what happens after the programme? Do I take all that I've learnt, pack it nicely in some box, label it as a nice experience and just store it in one corner, never to look through it again? 

That would be such a waste of all the effort that was put into this programme. Beyond myself, I aim to pass on some of the lessons that I have learnt during the programme to others, but even more importantly, I hope to challenge others and their world views just as I had been similarly challenged. If I was so comfortable in my faith, can I assume that many young people are so too? There is a growing burden within me for the young people of today. I see in them the past me, whom was either blissfully ignorant, or just aimless wanderers. At the end of the day, I just hope that they will eventually see their need for Christ, and all I can do is to work alongside with God for He will bring whatever He has planned to fruition.

Soli Deo Gloria.

Joshua Lee

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