Thursday 5 June 2014

God Has Called Me To Do Something For Others - Kerrhui

Today, one of the questions that we were supposed to think about was "How has STEP help you in discovering God's calling for you", and I was stuck. Initially I kept thinking that I did not really discover any calling from God, but I guess I was hoping for God to give me a very clear and definite feeling that He is calling me to do something. 

But our God works in all sorts of ways. Now after reviewing the 3 weeks of STEP, I kept remembering Abigail's phrase, "We are here not by chance," and I thought that it makes a lot of sense. There must be a reason why all of us are here at this point of time. Then I thought of the time at Healthserve. 

Most of the time during STEP, I was passive and just let others voice out their doubts and thoughts while I sit down listening without responding. It was only that day at Healthserve where I was participating more actively. As each group was assigned to a foreign worker, my group had Uncle Yan Ming, who has become a brother in Christ after he came to Healthserve. He is a great testimony who has experienced peace and joy from God at the lowest point of his life and is so passionated to spread the good news to his family back into China. When we asked him his favourite church song, it was so touching to hear him say it is '这一生最美的祝福', which means 'knowing God is his greatest blessing in life'. Though he wants to spread the gospel to his friends and family back in China, he told us that he is worried that he do not know how to spread it since he does not know the Bible well. However, he is willing to try by sharing his testimony.

This made me realised that I should be ashamed for not spreading the gospel when I have the means and reasons to do so. Spreading the gospel can also be done through simple ways like sharing one's testimony yet I do not even do that. As we closed off with a prayer for his issues like injury compensation and family's salvation, I felt the need to keep on prayer for him. I believe God uses Uncle Yan Ming to place a burden in my heart and let me see things differently. God let me hear the heart wrenching situations of migrant workers' lives and see the need of hope and gospel in their lives. After knowing all these, there is no way I could close one eye and do nothing about it.

We do not always have to do great things, but simple things like talking to them, encouraging them and praying for them can also be a form of ministering. Especially praying. I always believe in the power of prayer and how we should always have the burden to pray for others. 

As I thought about the migrant workers, I was reminded of how I have a mission field right at the place I lived. I may not have to talk to them all the time, but at least I could pray for them. There are so many things to pray for: their safety, health, family, salvation... I see plenty of workers every day and it is little things like smiling at them, giving them recognition that could make their day better and be a living testimony of Christ to them. Remember, you may be the only Bible that others read.


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