Saturday 7 June 2014

What Is God's Will For Me? - Changzhong

Kuik Shiao Yin’s journey as an entrepreneur seeking, step by step, God’s plan for her, has inspired me. In some ways, it echoes my own life’s journey, where our lives are slowly yet certainly steered by expectations and ambition towards a corporate life of stifling suits, under the glare of fluorescent lights. 

I really admire her ability to discern God’s call to her, and the sheer courage that she displayed in taking up that call, and struggling so valiantly even when the weather turns stormy, and the waters grow choppy.

I gleaned two questions from her journey that I can use to decide mine. 

1.    What is God’s call?

2.    If I discern His call, will I heed it?

The bible says that His sheep can discern the Good Shepherd’s call. In my own life, I have been fortunate in the sense that I have many options, but the problem is that I have yet to discern what God has in store for me. Yet for me, this is not too troubling, because I believe that as long as I seek, knock and ask, He will reveal His ways to me eventually.

What troubles me is, when I figured out which door to open, and it is not a door that I like, will I open and walk through it? This is my greater struggle, because honestly, I do not think that I will be able to humble myself and ignore my own ambitions, taking up a job that commands less pay.

Yet Shiao Yin mentioned a few things that have helped strengthen my resolve. First, that it is better to live life on the water, instead of one that is in the boat, because it will strengthen our walk with God. Essentially, a life of faith and trust, not fear. I do think that this is an easy concept to grasp, but a difficult one to practice. Nevertheless, it makes sense because we are after all, Christ followers, and if His command to me is to take the road less travelled, then my rejecting it will be akin to rejecting Him. That is something I will never want to do.

Secondly, Shiao Yin told us that to rejoice is a choice and that we can choose to embrace the situation instead of struggling against it. Pastor Kuo Yang, in a discussion I had with him, also mentioned that if the going gets tough we can simply choose to embrace the pain and suffering. This ability to choose does not originate from ourselves, but from Christ in us, who has triumphed over pain and suffering, and has allowed us to partake in that victory as well. Furthermore, when we start sinking, as Peter did, the Lord was there, to fish him out. 

I believe that as long as we follow Jesus with a pure and contrite heart, only goodness will come out of it.

While the experience has changed my thought and perspectives, whether I will be strong enough to carry it out, I do not know. 

Only Christ can tell.


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