Saturday 31 May 2014

A Purpose Driven Life? - Timothy Hou

Of course, not everything was comprised of lectures! There were talks given on various topics as well. One of the most engaging one was given by several young adults our age. In a nutshell, they were youths who felt the calling of God to do something different, something much more meaningful. 

For example, one of them, Marianne, went to Africa to volunteer with the poor, and in the process delayed her studies by a year. But the amount of insight she gained was much invaluable, with the most precious lesson of all being that to trust God in whatever you do. This made me think, once again, about my life purpose as right now I’m currently in the stage of life where I know I am being prepared, but as to what end I have no idea. I hope that there will be meaning in the eventual work that I find, and that I would be sensitive to His calling when it comes.
Of course, this programme would be kind of boring if we only stayed around for talks right? So there was fellowship time! It was interesting observing how we managed to decide on our final location of botanical gardens, as at first we thought of splitting up into two groups: one for the movies, and another one for outdoor activities, but after some persuasion we felt we should stick together, and from there on it was a tussle between gardens by the bay and the botanics. As good Presbyterians, how do we settle when there is a difference in opinions? By voting! And so that was how the final location was decided. Rather interesting! Because even in democracy, there are flaws with this system, mainly that we decide by popular vote and so the best way is not always the popular way. Of course, no one can ultimately decide what is best except God Himself, and so we look forward to the day when we can be with Him!

I also learned a lot during dinner time, as we were sharing about our lives with each other. Once again, it is amazing yet refreshing, how everyone comes from different backgrounds, most 2nd generation Christians, some are kids of pastors no less, and some are 1st generation. Yet it is always good to see people coming together to worship Him, and to fellowship with each other and share with each other our lives and thoughts. Looking at all the different paths that God has currently set us brothers and sisters on, I wonder what will be my eventual path, and whether I know if it will be for the best. But for now, I shall continue learning, seeking, and exploring, and last but not least, giving all glory to God!

Timothy Hou

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