Friday 30 May 2014

Jesus Is Enough - Grace Yong

Fellowship with awesome people on the bus! :D
During the youth sharing at Bethel on Monday, one statement that one of the youths made truly touched me and struck a chord in my heart. She said “Jesus is enough”. She described the things she saw and the people she met during her mission work in Africa, and as she witnessed their sufferings and how different and less comfortable the living conditions in Africa were compared to Singapore, she found it difficult to negotiate between how a loving God can still allow such sufferings to go on. 

This question has been raised numerous times around the world, and I have heard many explanations before. However, it was when she shared a simple and personal story about a person she knew who worked at the church in Africa, and how when she passed away with such peace while holding on to the bible, that I truly saw and understood that through the conviction in her voice, that it truly is simply because Jesus is all we really need in life.

Singapore is a country where we catch ourselves chasing after so many things that it is difficult to find one moment where we are not doing anything, or where our thoughts are not distracted and consumed by concerns and troubles that have nothing to do with God. Hence, I am thankful for STEP, where we are given the precious opportunity to quieten down in front of God and give thanks for how good He has been in our lives. As one of the youths mentioned in the sharing, the very fact that we can wake up in the morning with breath in our lungs is a miracle itself!

Sometimes the answer to the deepest and most complicated questions is as simple an answer as “Jesus is enough”. Life can get extremely complicated at times, but when we see things from God’s perspectives and look to Him for guidance, sometimes the best answers He gives us are as simple as they can get. Let us not be distracted by pointless pursuits in this complicated world, but truly see Him as the center of our lives, for we truly need Him, and He alone is sufficient for us!

Grace Yong

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