Sunday 25 May 2014

Becoming An Unexpected Leader - Kerrhui

I joined STEP with the notion that I'm just here to learn more about the history of Christianity and about the faith I believe in. It was purely out of interest and the yearning for more answers and knowledge. 

However, on the first day, I felt pressured with the expectations STEP had for us: as future leaders of the church, etc. pastors, deacons or elders. I have never thought that I would become one but I guess it pushes me to think more about God's ministry in the future and how I should play a part in it too. 

As a young adult, the thought of serving a big role in church may seem daunting and far-fetched, but I guess it might be that sometimes we are just unwilling to commit the time and effort and make excuses that we are still too young or unqualified. However, as one of the devotion team shared, we should not feel unqualified as 'God does not call the Qualified, He qualifies the Called'. Even though we have nothing to offer to God, God enables us to do His work. Also, as Pr. Gideon mentioned, we are young and unexperienced, but we can still play a part and make a difference to the church. Therefore, since we are the Called, we can and should do things with the help of God.

I also didn't know that STEP would be conducted primarily in English, since I'm from a Mandarin congregation and the STEP ppt shown to me was in Chinese. I was having difficulties absorbing from the talks initially since my English is not as good and the speakers are pretty eloquent and profound. Therefore when questions were asked, the way I have understood it may differ from how the others have understood it, making me hesitant to sharing answers and ideas. 

However, I did enjoy the talks even though I might have missed out some points here and there. One important thing I have learnt about Presbyterianism is its characteristics: focus on mission and church planting, literacy and education, and reform based on Scripture. At least now I know Presbyterian churches' emphasis on God's word, total acknowledgment of God's sovereignty in the Church and regard of Jesus Christ as first priority should also become the values I hold on in life and impart to the future generations.

Chau Kerrhui

1 comment:

  1. I'm always encouraged and motivated by this verse 1 Timothy 4:12
