Thursday 29 May 2014

Beyond the Heart of Expectancy (Week 2 Day 1&2) - Crystal Tang

Great friends and dinner conversation at Food For Thought!
I entered the second week of STEP with mixed feelings. Throughout the weekend, I was really excited to meet everyone, to learn from the seminars organized and all. Yet on the other hand, I was hoping that time did not pass so fast towards the end of the program. But, there was something more to that. 

Having been through the entrance week, I was left with a question that many would also have -- WHAT EXACTLY HAS GOD PLANNED FOR ME? With that, I began the second week of word and sacrament with a heart of expectancy. Day one of this week began really nicely. After a visit to the Ministry of Home Affairs' Heritage Center, we gathered at Bethel Presbyterian Church for the second half of our day.

Talk by Rev Tan Tiong Ann on Christology 
I sat in this talk expecting (once again, all these expectations flooding my little heart) it to be a super theological talk. I say this because of a prior reading by Dr. David Hocking's "Christology - the doctrine of Jesus Christ". Just a simple glimpse in the content page of that writing would bring you to 14 different sessions mentioned within the writing. To name a few, they range from the pre-existence of Christ, messianic claims of Christ, Deity of Christ and all the way to the second coming of Christ. 

However, I was amazed when Rev. Tan began his session speaking about the importance of Chinese and languages in the spread of gospel. Nonetheless, I spent the first half of his talk wondering how that would link to Christology. Soon enough, I was really encouraged that he has a heart for primary sources, encouraging us to learn the original language of Latin and French in order to comprehend the writings of Calvin. Although he summarized the really brief history of what he would probably teach in a few sessions, the content given during his sharing was good enough to stir those little peas in the pot. My greatest take away from this session was the advice to integrate both missions and pastoral ministry!

Youth Sharing 
I must admit I left Bethel Presbyterian Church feeling burdened. It isn't the usual mind of burden regarding school exams and all (although I am currently in the midst of one). It was an unusual burden of someone poking my hearts really deep, as if trying to ask "are you there? May I come?". That evening, I went home and rushed for the piano and began worshipping God through lots and lots of songs. I knew I was trying to search for a sense of relief, an answer to what was going on. 

I must admit too, that listening to Marianne Hui's sharing left me welling up in silent tears. I had so much in common with what she shared. From deferring university to serve (for the same amount of time too), the blessings received in terms of scholarships and results, the struggles faced listening to God when selecting a course and so on. I couldn't reconcile more, except for the lack of courage to complete a half-written book. I knew God was saying something to me through her sharing but I was not ready to listen. I found it so hard to pray that night, so much so that only songs could represent what I want to cry out to God. 

The next morning, I woke up feeling excited. En route to ORPC, I whispered a silent prayer and asked "God, what is it that you want me to do? How can I serve you with the talents that you have blessed me so?" Immediately, an insurmountable peace filled my heart as all the noise, crowd and sardine packed morning train rides appeared oblivious to me. I waited, and God prompted.

Crystal Tang

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