Saturday 31 May 2014

God's Sovereign Grace and Our Christian Living - Jonathan Lau

All of us interns went back to our own church to find out about our church history. Guess what, I don’t even know much of my church history. How the 5 years plan of Providence Presbyterian Church helps to build up a church, with few congregation to a large number now. I really saw the sovereignty of God, how God works in Church and bring more people into it. I heard about other church history, which is quite amazing. Some of the churches had difficulties finding space to hold their service, yet God gave the church abundant grace and the church is still under God's care! Thank God!

In the afternoon, we had a talk on christianity and science. He talks about how science cannot disapproved theology or rather God. Science is just a tool for God's natural revelation.

Rev. Tan came to talk again,this time on Calvin's doctrine of Christian living, about how we,as christian, should sustain our christian living. One thing that struck me was that he said christian shouldn’t be trying to gain a perfect life, but rather maintaining Christ in us. christian living should be union with Christ. This reminded me of the phrase 'in Christ'. We are living in Christ, not on christ or what, we should take Jesus Christ as our role model when dealing with our christian living.

Afternoon, Preacher Gideon came down to talk about biblical counseling, about how we should counsel people at the same time not betraying our morality. We must love, know, speak, do. The most important step that I feel is love, because if we don’t love the people we counsel, there is no way that we will be able to understand them,and also that we are not displaying the image of God in our life. Also, we must let people know that we are not perfect and that we need God in our life. Always point people towards God when counselling. :)

Jonathan Lau

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