Sunday 25 May 2014

STEP: Great Way to Learn from Others - Grace Yong

This reflection will be about something that struck me after the discussion with my church mates during the seminar time period on Tuesday. We spent a long time discussing about the different ministries in our church and the different needs or obstacles that our church is facing. We shared about our past experiences serving in the respective ministries and the troubles or failures that we had met with. We also discussed about our aims and possible solutions or directions we could head towards. 

As we discussed and filled our church whiteboard with words and arrows all around, everything seemed very complicated and daunting, like there were so many obstacles, barriers and doubts and so little time, resources and abilities. However, amidst all the doubt and uncertainty, I took a step back to look at the whole picture, and what comforted me was the presence of these church mates as brothers and sisters by my side who have a passion for serving the Lord and seeking His kingdom, who share this same goal and dream of seeing the various ministries of our church grow and improve. 

I feel very thankful that I have brothers and sisters who care as much about our church as I do and in spite of how bleak a situation may seem sometimes, we belong to a God who is limitless and never fails to work in ways we can never imagine. Hearing their words of encouragement when we feel burdened by responsibility or doubt about which step to take next has brought me great comfort, and I am once again reminded of how true the bible is when it speaks of the beauty of fellowship! Although the troubles and responsibilities may seem to be growing, I believe that when we take it one step at a time, and place our burdens on the cross, Christ will lead and guide us! (:
I feel that STEP is a great way for me to learn and understand how other fellow churches work, for example how their youth ministry and services are organized. Learning from each others’ situations, mistakes as well as successes will definitely allow us to have a better perspective about things. 

This is especially true for me because I am working on the caring ministry in my church, which is a rather intangible aspect where the results cannot possibly be measured or even observed. The caring ministry is also relatively versatile and I believe each church has its own unique way of looking out for its members, due to each church’s different backgrounds and characteristics. At the end of the day, I am reminded that we are not many churches or many denominations, but rather one body of Christ, and that we should support one another as we work towards serving the Lord!

Grace Yong

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