Sunday 25 May 2014

Day 3 & 4 - Jonathan Lau

Day 3, we met up at Trinity Theological College for learning and touring. We learn the importance of theological education for church ministry and social engagement. One thing that reminds me was that we must have a theological reason behind everything we do and that includes social issues. I learn that pragmatic reasons to do social work such as saving souls, to be helpful and to be a responsible citizen are just doing to gain commendable work. If we do it that way, we would be doing it as duties or just like to show other people our good works. If we do it theologically, doing good works to reflect the image of God, which is life-giving towards each other, then we will express our Christian hospitality wholeheartedly to both Christians and strangers. Also, I learnt that as a church, one way or another, the church has to be involved in social issues aka gay marriage etc.

After that we had a tour of TTC library and other rooms. After lunch, we had a talk on old testament, how to study OT. There are 4 ways to study old testament, the genre, linguistic study/analysis, the historical context and the literary context. Then after that, we had a new testament talk. The old testament is revealed in new testament, while the new testament is contained in old testament. I learn that new testament function in many ways like it shows us that our sins which leads to death is dealt with by Jesus Christ, also it tells us about our new relationship and covenant with God.

Day 4,  we visited Singapore bible college, and the first lesson we had was Christianity in south-east Asia. We learn how Christianity hits the different countries. Its definitely God's sovereign plans for his gospel to be spread around. Then after, we had talk about what it meant to be theologically educated,how the Singapore Bible College works and youth ministry, ways to know the youth problems in church.

Overall, this week brings me a lot of insights on how Presbyterian, or rather Christianity is being spread around the world. Its amazing to link up how The gospel spread and looking at the wonderful work of God. Friends from different Presbyterian churches add up to the excitement in this program. It allows me to see the different perspective of questions. It is indeed a fruitful week. Looking forward.

Jonathan Lau

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