Saturday 31 May 2014

Midweek of Mid-Programme - Yuanjie

I was always fascinated by the apologetic ministry and how they could so beautifully bridge the gap between the different schools of thought and so bold to speak to so many people and bring forth the world in a rational manner.

Thus to have a Ravi Zacharias International Minitries' speaker to talk to us was definitely amazing. An important thing I got from it was to remember the premise of people and to really go back to first principles and to start off from there. Thereafter, by understanding these premises then can we form a correct frame of reference from which meaningful discussions can blossom.
The sharing allowed us to see how the churches were formed and the overlaps in history for these particular churches. On first hand, they were started by people who believed to bring forth what they treasured, and persevered through difficult periods in their history to give us what we have today. In a way, perhaps it is also appropriate that we think along those lines and ride on the same spirits to bring our congregations to the next level. I was particularly intrigued by my own church history, and do feel indeed a sense of solidarity and (healthy) pride to be where I am. It is also encouraging too to see how some members were further inspired to bring the history to their church members and perhaps even pursue this as a ministry project.

Finally free time is always good, and having time to know each other through spontaneous outings and botanic garden visit; probably another good outcome of the STEP programme that is to know more friends to fellowship and share with.
No, the uncle on the right of the picture is not in STEP!

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