Saturday 31 May 2014

Continue To Learn As Our Faith Grows - Kerrhui

Being a cell group leader, I always thought I knew enough to teach and that alone was sufficient. However as I listened to more talks, the more I knew I was lacking. As the speakers mentioned about different books, writers or names, I was shocked at how people around me seems to know most of them yet they are about the same age as me. This shows that it is either they are too passionate about knowing things related to Christianity or that I am lacking behind. I think the latter would be more true. 

Other interns show me that I should not be satisfied with the little knowledge I have towards our faith and God, but actively seeks to understand Him more. It might be easy to profess ourselves as Christians, but it will need much more to maintain and uphold our faith. Even our current level of knowledge is not enough. We might not be able to remember things we have learnt after a year perhaps, and thus there is a need to constantly read up to enhance our understanding of God and be constantly reminded of the life God wants us to live out. 

It is just like how our faith works. There is never a point where our ministry or our knowledge of God is enough. We are like a car driving up a slope. As we learn God's word continuously, we will have growth (move up the slope), but once we stop yearning for His word, it does not mean our growth can be maintained at that level. Instead, we will backslide. We should always aim to progress when we are running our race of faith.

Also, without reading and studying more, we could interpret things wrongly and preach the wrong teachings. As Rev. Tan Tiong Ann mentioned, 'If you deviate a little now, in the long run, it will make a BIG difference'. This is especially important for everyone who are being leaders, role models or teachers in church. We might think what we know is right and spread the knowledge to our peers. But once we deviate from the truth, even if it is only by a little bit, it could spread wrong messages to those learning from you, and it might continue to be pass on and on and on...


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